Crazy for Nachos

I am getting used to my new job that entails to be awake in the wee hours of the night. Some of my batch mates cope up by drinking coffee, sleeping more in the day or eat more due to lack of sleep.  I describe myself as a nocturnal person – someone who is awake more at night than morning. I discovered this when I was in college ( either I have this inclination or I developed it that period of my life). My usual study habit is to do all homework and study for exams after dinner time until late at night. I decided to change the habit and sleep early and wake up to study early morning before breakfast. But to my dismay, I found out at the end of the semester, I have lower grades than before. Therefore,  I had concluded my brain is more active at night. I do not know a psychologist’s explanation for it but that is what I think of it.

For my grumbling tummy late at night or I say early morning at 4:00 H I have to quiet it down and eat an early morning snack. I do not have yet my baking tools at my new home so I tried making an alternative snack which is easy to do. I also believe it is a healthier option than eating junk foods. I just needed to get a box of nachos at a grocery and prepare the ensalada dip.

Ensalada de Nachos

1 box of nachos (for extra crunch- heat in toaster)


Ensalada dip


1 green bell pepper

3 medium-sized tomatoes (red/green)

1 white onion

1 lemon (juice)


Finely chopped green bell pepper, tomatoes and onion and mix all together.

Add freshly squeezed lemon

Chill for an hour (for best result)

nachos and ensalada dip

nachos and ensalada dip